Kendal | National Disability Mentor Day

October 1st was National Disability Mentoring Day. Alaysha at Langley Association for Community Living supports individuals like Kendal who have developmental disabilities. I had the utmost honor of mentoring 17 year old Kendal and teaching her a bit more about photography. We learned a few settings on her new SLR camera, used creative perspectives, talked about back lighting, leading lines, rule of thirds and how to create action shots. Boy does this girl have a keen eye and a passion for her craft! I don't normally post stuff like this but it truly made my day when I heard from Kendals careworker Alaysha just after the session.

"She is glowing!!! We came into the our office and the first thing my boss and her mom said was that Kendal was glowing, smiles everywhere! She was telling my them that she learnt a lot and she had so much fun and that the photographer was so nice. She says that's her dream job. Words cannot explain how much I appreciate you doing this for me. I am beyond happy. Seeing Kendals face the whole way home just put a huge smile on my face, so rewarding. Thank you, you are amazing. Thank you again for making Kendal so happy. It is crazy to think that someone can make someone so happy. She says that photography is her dream and now she is going to work super hard towards it. You made a difference. Also you're a joy to be around! " 

My heart is so full and so happy to have been able to spend the morning with Alaysha and Kendal. Here are a few of the things we tested it out.